“Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark” Review by Starwarsnewsnet.com

Starwarsnewsnet.com has added a new review for ‘s “Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark”:

Into the Dark by Claudia Gray, the third novel set in the High Republic era of Star Wars, is great. Somewhere between thriller and adventure, Claudia Gray continues to demonstrate her ability to tell layered, compelling stories set in the galaxy far, far away. Into the Dark takes place concurrently with the previous two novels, Light of the Jedi and A Test of Courage, but in a completely different part of the galaxy. As the hyperspace cataclysm spreads across the galaxy, a freighter carrying three Jedi and a padawan to the frontier is forced to find safe harbor aboard an abandoned, ancient space station with its own dark connections to the Force.

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