“Star Wars: Victory’s Price” Review by Starwarsnewsnet.com

Starwarsnewsnet.com has added a new review for ‘s “Star Wars: Victory’s Price”:

Two years ago, author Alexander Freed introduced us to dueling squadrons, tearing one another apart during the last throes of a galactic civil war. Alphabet Squadron and Shadow Wing fight for contradicting causes – the former fight for the revival of democracy while the latter wish to maintain order under an authoritarianism they deem necessary. Both pursuits have cost incalculable lives of those who fight and those who are unavoidably caught in the crossfire. While Alphabet Squadron fights to put out every fire Shadow Wing starts in its final attempt to carry out the Emperor’s Operation Cinder, they’ve lost sight at what it cost each of them. Victory’s Price is as much a reckoning for both sides as it is a conclusion to their stories.

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